Our Co-op Members
Housed Member Co-ops
Birmingham Student Housing Co-Operative

Birmingham Student Housing Co-op provides low-cost, high-quality democratically managed housing. They turned 10 years old in 2024!
Edinburgh Student Housing Co-operative

The UK’s largest student-run housing co-op! They provide their 106 members with affordable housing. They turned 10 years old in 2024!
SEASALT Housing Co-operative

South EAst Students Living Autonomously Together, Based in Brighton SEASALT is university housing reimagined, run for students, by students.
Unhoused Member Co-ops
Glasgow Student Housing Co-operative

A group of university students setting up the first student housing co-op in Glasgow
Manchester Student Co-operative

MaSH aims to provide affordable and sustainable student housing, owned by students and built for Manchester.
Cork Student Housing Co-operative

A group of students & alumni from Cork City third-level institutions that are establishing a Student Housing Co-operative.
Belfast Student Housing Co-operative

Building a student accommodation alternative that’s affordable, fair, and sustainable, with Belfast’s first Student Housing Co-op..
Bristol Student Housing Co-operative

A housing co-operative with the aim of providing affordable, democratic housing for students in Bristol.
Inter Campus Collective (ICC) Notts

Initiative for an Independent Student Housing Co-operative run by and for students.
The map here shows Student Co-op Homes student housing co-op members in the UK, and our partners.